The BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association is a non-profit organization that represents firms in the BC road building and maintenance industry. Our 280+ member companies represent highway maintenance contractors, construction contractors, underground/utility contractors, paving contractors and the various service and supply companies in the industry.
Our mandate is to communicate with the public and government about critical transportation issues. We are the recognized advocate for infrastructure development and a balanced, safe transportation system that sustains and promotes provincial economic growth.
We pride ourselves on bringing the industry together to find solutions to challenges through advocacy, discussion and networking so we can maximize business opportunities and celebrate our successes together.
The BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association was established in 1966 by twelve founding firms. In 1989, the maintenance sector joined the Association’s construction and service and supply sectors in order to provide a single, unified voice for the industry.
The BC Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association is the recognized advocate for investment in resilient core infrastructure that creates economic growth, strong communities and a sustainable environment.
- We communicate strong, clear industry positions and expectations to government and stakeholders.
- We support the diversity and inclusiveness of our workforce, the prosperity of their families and the communities they live in.
- We promote innovative, sustainable, and built to last solutions.
- We advance Indigenous engagement and equitable access.
- We provide training, safety awareness, fellowship, ethical leadership, and a strong voice for our members.